read it later. viruses and Disinfectant. You may read it now if you wish, or return to remainder of this document gives more information about Macintosh You should now be ready to use Disinfectant for the first time. The  setup information between Disinfectant sessions. folder. This file is used to save preferences, window positions, and page Disinfectant creates a file named “Disinfectant Prefs” in your System  Please be patient. dialog is presented asking you to “Please Wait.” This can take some time. completes its initial checksum before presenting the main window. A When Disinfectant starts from a floppy disk or other ejectable disk, it  seriously degrade the normal operation of the application. otherwise modified. This background check does not interfere with or make certain that it has not been damaged, infected by a virus, or Disinfectant computes a thorough checksum of itself in the background to doing anything. This is normal, and you should not be concerned. considerable disk activity, even though it appears that Disinfectant is not After Disinfectant starts from a fixed hard drive, you may notice  originals were not infected. do this, use Disinfectant to rescan the replaced files to make certain your infected and reinstall uninfected copies from the original floppies. If you and system files, you can delete the files that Disinfectant says are For even greater safety, if you have locked original copies of applications   – – – – – – – – – – – – –  Grant the request—this is Disinfectant trying to repair an infected file. present a dialog box asking for permission to “add a CODE resource”. If you run Disinfectant on a Vaccine-protected system, Vaccine may   (“File” and “Res” privileges for “Other,” “System” and “Self”). certain that Disinfectant has been granted all GateKeeper privileges If you run Disinfectant on a GateKeeper-protected system, check to make  and other possible causes of problems. then run Disinfectant from the virus tools disk. This avoids INIT conflicts suggest that you try restarting your Mac using the virus tools disk and encounter problems running it from your hard drive, however, we necessary to run it from your virus tools floppy for everyday use. If you You can and should run Disinfectant from your hard drive. It is not  disk locked to prevent future infection. certain that none of the three files are infected. Keep your virus tools Disinfectant and use the Scan button to check the virus tools disk to make Try to make certain that your virus tools disk is not infected. Run  eradicated the virus, you run the risk of reinfecting your system. run other applications before making certain that you have completely some other applications, and finally disinfect the rest of your disks. If you Disinfect all your disks at one time. Do not do some of them, then run  Finder instead of MultiFinder to avoid possible problems with busy files. When using Disinfectant in its “disinfecting” (file repair) mode, use  they are important. There are only a few rules and restrictions when running Disinfectant, but  each of your startup floppy disks. Disinfectant. Drag copies of the protection INIT into the System folder on Use the standard file dialog to save a copy of the protection INIT. Quit command from the “Protect” menu. A standard file dialog should appear. Run any copy of Disinfectant. Select the “Extract Protection INIT” • Step 7. Install the protection INIT on each of your startup floppy disks.   — — — —  appear at the bottom of your screen during startup. one more time to activate the INIT. You should see the protection INIT icon folder on your hard drive. Restart your Macintosh using your hard drive place a copy of the protection INIT inside the currently active System Protection INIT” command from the “Protect” menu. Disinfectant will drive. Run Disinfectant from your hard drive. Select the “Install you do not have a hard drive.) Restart your Macintosh using your hard • Step 6. Install the protection INIT on your hard drive. (Skip this step if   your hard drive. not have a hard drive.) Quit Disinfectant. Drag a copy of Disinfectant to • Step 5. Install Disinfectant on your hard drive. (Skip this step if you do  can lock the disk again after Disinfectant has ejected it. before inserting it—Disinfectant cannot repair a disk if it is locked. You insert floppies one at a time to be scanned and repaired. Unlock each disk command from the “Disinfect” menu. Disinfectant will prompt you to • Step 4. Disinfect all of your floppy disks. Select the “Floppies”  viruses which it discovers. menu. Disinfectant will scan all of your hard drives and will remove any have a hard drive.) Select the “All Disks” command from the “Disinfect” • Step 3. Disinfect all of your hard drives. (Skip this step if you do not  button to eject the virus tools floppy. step 1. Run Disinfectant from the virus tools floppy. Click on the Eject • Step 2. Restart your Macintosh using the virus tools floppy you made in  through the hole. slide the plastic tab on the back of the floppy up so that you can see times—viruses cannot infect files on locked floppies. To lock the floppy, Finder files. Lock the virus tools disk and keep it locked at all Use original locked Apple release disks for your copies of the System and  … … … … … … … … … … … …  copy of the Finder file, and a copy of Disinfectant. • Step 1. Make a virus tools floppy containing a copy of the System file, a  follow when using Disinfectant. discuss a few very important rules and restrictions which you should your system, and protect your system against future infections. We also your system for viruses, remove any viruses which you may have on This section describes how to use Disinfectant for the first time to check    åQuick Start ; ;  ˇˇ